Women in Tech conference – promoting women participation in the cyber security sector

Successful women entrepreneurs, bright talented students and women in leadership gathered and participated in Women in Tech conference organised from the National Authority for Electronic Certification and Cyber Security, NAECCS on October 21st, encouraging women participation in the cybersecurity industry in Albania.

“In Albania we happily recognise that there is an increasing number of women contributing to cybersecurity braking gender stereotypes about this sector” – said Vilma Tomço, General Director of National Authority for Electronic Certification and Cyber Security, NAECCS.

The event brought together more than hundred women sharing success stories in the ICT sector and inspiring young women to work in tech industry, especially in the cybersecurity.

 “In 2018 we started a fruitful collaboration with NAECCS, supporting a fantastic team, led by outstanding women, to enforce the cybersecurity law. By promoting compliance with the law, NAECCS enables the private sector to attract international investors and also push companies in the insurance, banking and other sectors in creating positions for cybersecurity offer” – said Ms. Edlira Muedini RisiAlbania Project manager

The sector is facing a huge gap among the private sector needs for skilled workers, and the content that training and education institutions provide to young people. Risi supported the realization of a study on market demands and supply for cybersecurity professionals. Mr. Igli Tafa while presenting the study findings recommended the improvement of the current curricula in Albanian universities and integration of the undergraduate programs or master’s programs on cyber security for preparing future generations. In order to meet the immediate needs of specialists in this sector, promotion of short-term courses and specializations on cybersecurity for those who have graduated in the IT field is needed.

Companies from the insurance, telecommunication, energy, health and other sectors in Albania need, more than ever, cybersecurity skilled experts and women can have a larger role!