Student Administering & Tracing Software is now finalized and ready for use by training providers

Private non-formal training providers in Albania have been continuously facing difficulties with the administration of data and information in career tracing of their Alumni. Missing a tool to track processes, results in many lost potential students, time spent in manual processes and no information at all when it comes to number of students employed.

We were facing a lot of difficulties with the administration and use of all that data in our hands and were struggling a lot to trace the careers of our Alumni. A common struggle that all training providers we interviewed admitted. We have now designed and are implementing the system that can allow us to keep track of the information we have and use it to improve the performance of the training centre. We are very thankful that RisiAlbania acknowledged our constraints and provided support that is valuable and useful to all training centres.”-state Mr. Gentjan Mejdani  and Rezart Alija, founder and CEO of Tirana Center of Technology (TCT)

Loss if information due to the lack of a tracing system in place, is a similar pattern that private non-formal training providers face. In order for them to continuously trace their trainees in a structured, thorough, and periodical way, it requires a lot of efforts, human resources, and time.

In the lack of such capacities, a software tool is much more effective in administering student information from the initial interaction to a possible internship or hiring and having an alumnus managed group of certified students.

To address this hindering factor for performance measurement, RisiAlbania has cooperated with Tirana Center of Technology to develop a Student Administering & Tracing Software. The software was based on the needs of the training providers and  could address issues that they had all faced continuously during their experience with training delivery and trainees. Eight training providers, partners of RisiAlbania were asked to provide feedback and articulate their needs during the design phase of the system, so that the designed software could address the needs of all training providers.

Besides better data, time and human resource management, the current tracing tool can also be used to receive continuous feedback from the businesses training providers cooperate and have their feedback, which can be used to upgrade their offers. This tracing system was finalized by early December 2020 and was presented online during a webinar on 15.12.2020 to all training providers, who expressed enthusiasm and eagerness to start making use of the tool. Currently, the system is being implemented at all training providers partner of RisiAlbania and the results will soon be available to all actors in the market and interested parties.