Shifting the Employment Paradigm: Fostering Decent Jobs in Albania
In a notable shift, the conversation around employment in Albania has evolved from a mere focus on job availability to the pursuit of 'decent jobs.' This pivotal insight emerged as a key highlight during the event titled 'Businesses searching quality workforce and youth searching quality jobs.' Conceived as a collaborative platform, the event successfully brought together representatives from businesses, the government, the international development community, and academia to dissect and address the pressing issue of quality employment in Albania.
Keynote speakers Philipp Arnold, Deputy Head of Mission of Switzerland in Albania, Klevis Hysa, General Director of the National Agency of Employment and Skills, and Zhulieta Harasani, Coordinator for Albania of the International Labour Organization (ILO), joined forces during their speeches with various business representatives, universities, and NGOs to explore proactive measures that enterprises can take to enhance working conditions, despite prevalent challenges. One such inspiring initiative was presented by Mediterranea shpk, a textile factory in Albania, which showcased its innovative practice of offering on-site childcare services. This initiative aims to support young women and mothers, facilitating their seamless (re)integration into the labor market.
The International Labour Organization (ILO) underscores that decent work is not solely about job availability but also encompasses fairness, safety, and dignity in the workplace. RisiAlbania, drawing on the methodology of ILO, has undertaken a comprehensive study measuring decent work in the Agribusiness, ICT, and Tourism sectors in Albania. The study focuses on four crucial dimensions: employment, social protection, social dialogue, and rights at work. This strategic approach aligns with the broader goals of social justice, human rights, and sustainable development, emphasizing the importance of fostering an environment where employment goes beyond mere availability to embody fairness and dignity.