'Regional Labour Market Analysis and Economic Development in Elbasan' Research study is out
The study "Regional Labor Market Analysis and Economic Development in Elbasan" gathered in a round table representatives from the National Agency for Employment and Skills, Municipality of Elbasan, Regional Directorates of Employment and Vocational Training, Vocational High Schools, RisiAlbania, experts and most importantly Business representatives to discuss in a joint forum.
Findings of the study and the use of this instrument to assess the needs of the labour market in the region of Elbasan were main points of discussion. The discussion focused also on opportunities and priorities of economic development and connection with the offer of education and vocational training.
This study was conducted by IDRA with the support of the RisiAlbania project, a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC to guide NAES in implementing policies and to design an education and vocational training supply that responds to market demands.