Piloting the Methodology of Cooperation with Business-a field visit to Regional Employment Office of Elbasan

Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Switzerland in Albania, Mr. Patrik Meier and Minister of Finance and Economy, Mrs. Anila Denaj organized a joint visit to the Regional Employment Office of Elbasan on the piloting of the newly introduced Methodology of Cooperation with Business, developed with the support of RisiAlbania, a project of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC.

During the discussion, Mr. Meier emphasized how the support offered through RisiAlbania and other Swiss funded projects is in line with the National Agency for Employment and Skills (NAES) strategy. This methodology together with the Analysis of Regional Labor Market, support labour offices to better understand and analyze the businesses’ needs for workforce and profile jobseekers, through a standardized way across organization.

The Methodology for Labor Market Analysis and Business Cooperation has ensured the increase of job offers and employment growth, as a result of improved performance of the employment services of the National Employment and Skills Agency.

The meeting continued with a presentation of results of the piloting process of the Methodology of Cooperation with Business in Regional Labour Office of Elbasan and with a fruitful discussion of Mr. Meier with General Directorate of NAES, Mrs. Demiraj and staff of Regional Labour Office of Elbasan directly involved in the piloting process.

Since the start of the methodology’s piloting in Elbasan region, it has successfully achieved the employment of 281 unemployed jobseekers. Also, 187 businesses have been served with improved services and 12 staff members of the Elbasan Labor Office have been trained to apply the methodology.

This methodology regulates the entire cycle of cooperation between the employment office and the business, and will soon be unified for all employment offices.