Supporting Albanian private and public stakeholders in joining forces towards sustainable tourism standards and certifications

The SDC supported youth employment project in Albania, RisiAlbania implemented by Helvetas is supporting tourism actors using both a bottom-up approach (private sector demand for standards and certification) and a top-down approach (public institutions regulating the system and creating a favorable climate and framework for sustainable tourism standards and certifications.

Private sector (demand and supply sides):
The first six tour operators in Albania have introduced sustainable tourism standards and achieved certification by internationally recognized bodies, which are accredited GSTC. Eight Albanian service providers and consultants have begun the process of becoming GSTC-recognized auditors. They have participated in the GSTC Auditor course and passed the exam.

Public institutions:
The Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Albania has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with GSTC to create the framework and conditions for further dissemination and introduction of GSTC sustainable tourism standards and certifications in Albania.