New and improved career services for students

Career centers in Albanian universities are piloting new services and improved ones, to be implemented and offered to their students starting from academic year 2019-2020. Such services include: guidance manuals, employability and soft skills trainings, stronger linkages to business community for increased internship and employment opportunities, Career Fairs, stronger focus on Alumni Network. More than 150 students have already received employability trainings according to Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) standard, which the project has already introduced among the first group of 20 career counselors from 4 Albanian universities.

RisiAlbania has a focus on strengthening career guidance services at University level to support integration of students in the labour market. For this purpose it has supported the creation of a first pool and network of trained career counselors through the GCDF international certification program.

Following the training and through close mentoring, partner universities like Agricultural University of Tirana, Aleksandër Moisiu University of Durrës, University of Tirana, Luarasi University have started piloting first improved career services.

“After completing the GCDF training programme our career center, only recently established, has  intensified relation with business and  has a new focus on developing the Alumni Network of our University, to serve employment opportunities. The GCDF training has already started to deliver its first results and I strongly believe in the positive impact that these services will have in the lives of our students and in our community” – says Xhafer Rakipllari, Director of Academic Services, University “Alesandër Moisiu” Durres.