Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development includes GlobalG.A.P certification in their support schemes

Timeline of a strategic cooperation to support agribusiness’ growth

Supporting Albanian exporters to seize a market opportunity through certification

Albania has the potential to grow vegetable exports and reach high value buyers located in Western EU countries by investing in certification and standards. By supporting agribusiness’ growth in this direction, more young women and men will find quality employment in the sector, which is one of the key priorities for RisiAlbania, a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

In 2018, Albanian vegetable export revenues amounted to 60 million Euros, according to INSTAT. 58% of those derived from exports to neighbouring countries such as Serbia and Kosovo – missing out on the 100% higher price they could fetch in markets such as Austria. One of the reasons for the sectors’ overreliance on neighbouring buyers was low awareness on cost-effective certification solutions such as group GlobalG.A.P certification, which is a basic requirement to sell to EU retailers. This was coupled with a lack of professional certification consultants in Albania and a weak relationship between exporters and supplying farmers that did not allow for quality control.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, a strategic partner for the private sector

To tackle the above, RisiAlbania established a strategic partnership with the Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development of Albania (MARD) while piloting support to exporters and cooperatives (SHBB) to obtain group GlobalG.A.P certification. In addition, RisiAlbania partnered with Albinspekt, a certification body, to build a one-stop-shop for information on the standard called AgroQuality.

In March 2019 RisiAlbania and MARD organized  of the GlobalG.A.P STOP TOUR in Albania: For the first time ever, the GlobalG.A.P organization sent representatives to Tirana to raise awareness about the standard. 114 agribusinesses participated in the session, and after this event the surface of GlobalG.A.P certified products in Albania increased by around 300%.

MARD’s support for the certification has been instrumental in raising awareness: “If Albanian products are GlobalG.A.P certified, food safety and quality are 100% guaranteed, and the products can  be sold to all Europe”.-  stated Mr. Bledi Çuçi, Minister of Agriculture during his 2019 visit to Doni Fruits, one of the exporters who obtained group GlobalG.A.P certification. The Minister invited and called for other exporters to apply and obtain the certification.

In June 2020 MARD took the decisive step of including GlobalG.A.P. as part of National Schemas support under the sixth measure, Albanian producers can now apply for funding to obtain the certification. As part of the last call for applications, 34 applications were received in total, only for the sixth measure ‘On the GLOBALG.A.P implementation and certification.

As part of follow up actions, a National Technical Working Group which will serve as contact body for GlobalG.A.P will be established and will support food safety measures in Albania.

Looking ahead: raising capacities in the market

MARD and RisiAlbania are supporting Albinspekt in organizing the GlobalG.A.P Farm Assurance event in Albania. Farm Assurance is an event dedicated to offering a comprehensive training on how to obtain GlobalG.A.P individual and group certification. 15 consultants and exporters’ staff will participate in a training will be equipped with respective licences.

Opening up to EU markets with certified products but also building capacities of local consultants, will enable farmers and exporters to grow their production and thus increasing employment opportunities for young women and men at all levels of the value chain in Albania. RisiAlbania is committed to continue its support for standards and certification in the field of agribusiness.

Register here to ‘Farm Assurance’ and become a licensed GlobalG.A.P consultant: link

For more on MARD national scheme: link