Embracing new approaches: Hospitality and Tourism Academy becomes the Center of Excellence in Albania
Responding to market needs and filling non-formal training gaps in the market is the backbone of the interventions within skills supply component. Through its intervention in this domain Risi is enabling non formal private training providers to improve their approach in cooperating with businesses in order to have their voice in curricula development, practical training of their trainees and well as in offering a decent job after the training. this effort is combined with many innovative training methods such as online, blending learning, virtual classes which now more than ever are supporting the training providers to adapt to the “new normal” of pandemic.
In response to the Covid-19 outbreak in Albania and the impact it has made to unemployment, specifically to unemployed and disadvantaged youth, HAT was supported to deliver on online training to 30 unemployed young people and facilitate their employment. Besides providing support to the unemployed young people, it will also be used to promote the online platform. Moreover, in response to the pandemic, HAT is proposing to broaden its online course palette by offering Food Safety and Hygiene measures to the Hospitality Industry.
Overall, the support will contribute in raising awareness on unemployed youth, especially during and after the pandemic, as well as promote tourism industry as a viable career for young people.
The hospitality and tourism sector is facing challenges during the pandemic, and these efforts are even more crucial in order for the businesses to adapt, seek opportunities and exceed. The forecasted impact is that more young poeple will be employed in the tourism sector after the training. Although, the tourism sector is impacted by Covid situation HAT, it is estimated that the need for qualified staff by the tourism business will be high after the normalization of the situation.
Recently, to mark their achievements - Hospitality and Tourism Academy has been selected by the European Training Foundation, an European Union Agency which supports Voccational Training, to become the CENTER OF EXCELLENCE in Albania. HAT is following this two-year learning programme of becoming the role model for other vocational schools.