Career Orientation through Radio waves

How about turning a successful radio program, conducted by famous journalists into a reference hotspot for Career Orientation for young women and men in Albania?! Do you know that the 2nd largest radio station in the country, CLUB FM Radio has taken an important role to inform young people on their career path?

The newly program  “Rruga drejt suksesit” after “Ora e punës” together with  “Të reja punësimi”, offer an attractive and useful information for young generations on their career paths. Since May 2018 “Rruga drejt suksesit” comes twice per week, in 20 minutes timeslots with attractive and lively career  information through the lens of humor.

The hosts of the program Keli and Zhaku using their charisma when talking to guests generate very interesting and attractive discussions for young people.

In today’s world of digital communications, radio remains an important medium to reach and influence more people. Happy international RADIO day everyone and don’t miss “Rruga drejt suksesit” and its latest information Tuesdays and Thursdays at 16.00 hours! Learn more on our intervention HERE