Career in Focus: A Week Dedicated to Career Services in Albania

Throughout 17-21 May 2021 RisiAlbania hosted the thematic week, dedicated to the Career Counseling and Mediation sector. The fourth thematic week in RisiAlbania, dedicated to career services for young women and men, contains a series of activities and publications.

Throughout this week, RisiAlbania has shared through the pages on LinkedIN and Facebook interactive information on the lessons and achievements of us and our partners during this time, regarding the relatively new developments in this field in Albania.

Each of the days is dedicated to a certain theme focusing on the main pillars of the work of partners and RisiAlbania during these years.

Young people in Albania face difficulties in orienting and integrating into the labor market. They lack information and have difficulty making the right and well-informed career choices. To meet their employment needs, RisiAlbania works to find the right ways and mechanisms to connect jobseekers with the labor market, according to the skills, needs and interests they have.

Precisely to promote these models and encourage market players to embrace these innovations, each of the days has focused on these achievements and challenges.

DAY 1 Career Guidance at University

DAY 2 Career Services from private providers

DAY 3 Career Guidance as a public community service: The case of the Municipality of Tirana

DAY 4 Career in Media

DAY 5 Youth Employment Campaign #JustHired