BPO, the leading sector for youth employment

The Business Process Outsourcing Sector (BPO) is experiencing an impressive development in our country, becoming a fast-growing industry and one of the potential sectors for youth employment. Economic expert Mr. Kastriot Sulka goes even further when emphasizing  in an interview with Together For Life association that the development of this sector gives Albanian youth an opportunity to further develop  their careers.

"The BPO sector is contributing towards youth employment and as a result greatly alleviates the tendency of this group to emigrate," said Sulka.

The BPO industry, which includes Call Centers, Information Technology, Accounting, and so on,  is a thriving business opportunity, which needs support in terms of coordinated development policies, specialized human resources for developing its potential to the fullest.

The experts of the sector have also suggested increasing the partnership with academia, universities and training providers, private sector and labor offices to strengthen the role of Career Offices in internships and student employment in order to increase the quality of the workforce.