Advocating for Sustainable Tourism in Albania

Advocating for Sustainable Tourism in Albania was the topic of the workshop organized for tourism associations by RisiAlbania and Helvetas. The aim of the workshop was to provide representatives from tourism association with main advocacy tools and know-hows. Participants  joined around the common objective of improving their capacity for advocating for sustainable tourism.

The full day event included a panel discussion and Q&A session with Ms. Rovena Moçka, Director of Tourism at the Ministry of Tourism and Environment in the morning, followed by practical sessions of advocacy training.

While representatives of tourism associations asked for more consistent and sustainability strategies on tourism, Mrs. Moçka added that the Government is keen to listen to the industry, while highlighting the importance of communicating as one voice.

The sessions were facilitated by Helvetas experts including Valbona Karakaci, Bernd Steimann, and Adrien Rebord. Participants were equipped with advocacy tools and know-hows which will enable them to better identify and formulate their request. This workshop is to be the first among a series.