Advice for small business “Agribusiness in Albania: from Certifications to Contracting in Agriculture”

EBRD Small Business Advice (ASB), funded by EU Western Balkans Enterprise Development and Innovation Facility, in cooperation with AASF and RisiAlbania, organized on Wednesday, December 2, at 10:00, the thematic webinar "Agribusiness in Albania: From Certifications to Contracting in Agriculture".

The panel consisting of Ms. Ardiola Hristic (Program Manager, EBRD, Small Business Advice), Mr. Stephan Joss, (Project Director Risi Albania), Ms. Adela Leka (Deputy Director of AASF Program), and Mr. Drini Imami, PHD, (Associate Professor, Agricultural University of Tirana), had presentations and discussions on the possibilities of support programs for agribusiness as a whole and Albanian exporters in the field of Medicinal and Aromatic Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs (BMA) in particular. Successful exporters in certification and contract farming shared their experience in dealing with difficulties and achievements. Doni Fruits, the largest exporter in Albania that cooperates with more than 1500 farmers after the pilot phase in 2019, supported by RisiAlbania achieved the GLOBAL G.A.P group certification with 58 farmers. Doni Frutis is expanding the certification products of the GlobalG.AP group of cultivated in more than 150 ha for nine new crops. MEIA proved in the sector of medicinal and aromatic plants that contracting of agriculture in MAPs sector is possible in cultivation with the required standards. MEIA has established more than 400 contracts with farmers and plans are to expand further in number and in unfavorable geographical rural areas. Albanian products have great potential to expand into profitable markets in MAPs. Some of the lessons learned include messages to exporters and farmers on how to start addressing foreign buyer requirements, signing contracts and certification. Certification and standards are new for farmers. Experts said that exporters in Albania should start with farmers who are more business oriented in order to create examples for others to follow. Also, National Technical working group for GlobalG.A.P  need to be established as a communication channel with GlobalG.A.P and increasing the cooperation among the stakeholders. Full video of the webinar can be accessed here.