Presentation of the Business Service Sector Annual Report

ABSL Albania organized on the 27th of May the event of business service sector annual report of 2021, aiming to share with stakeholders key insights from this report.

Part of the event were also important business figures mentioning here Mr Stephan Joss as a representative of Helvetas, Mr Eduard Shalsi, currently Chairman of the committee of finance and economy but for a long time as Minister of Entrepreneurship has been a good supporter of Albanian businesses and Mr Besart Kadia, currently Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy, who reaffirmed his readiness to listen and assist the sector.

The event was organized in two discussion panels. The first panel took stoke on the importance of the business sector for the country's economic growth and reducing unemployment. Mr Filippo Queirolo, Mr. Dritan Mezini, Mr Reshard Këlliçi, Mrs Eldisa Cirogu, Mr Fation Dragoshii and Mr Reinaldo Pipiria were part of this panel and shared with the audience their opinions and key insights for this sector.

The second panel focused on the presentation of the report and its findings. The experts who developed the report spoke in this panel, mentioning here Mr Lisian Roseni, Mrs Anisa Jasini and Mr Veton Kurtsmajlaj.

Read the full report here: RISIALBANIA PUBLICATIONS