05Jul UB Green News featuring the Certificate Award Ceremony of first Export Managers in Albania July 5, 2021By risial READ MORE
05Jul Panorama Daily Newspaper featuring ExportStar Certificate Award July 5, 2021By risial READ MORE
26Jun KASH Newspaper and RisiAlbania: An Ongoing Partnership to Empower Farmers and Readers in Rural Areas through Information Provision June 26, 2021By risial READ MORE
26May RTSH Korça: Kolonjë, projekt mbi kultivimin e Bimëve medicinale dhe Aromatike May 26, 2021By risial READ MORE
26May Lezha News: Kush janë dy djemtë nga Lezha që u bënë shembull i të rinjve në sipërmarrje May 26, 2021By risial READ MORE
15Apr MAPs export: Pandemics increases demand from European Market-Wake Up TV Show at Top Channel April 15, 2021By risial READ MORE
08Apr Business Case on New Tour Packages towards Rural and Adventour Tourism covered by Top Channel April 8, 2021By risial READ MORE
08Apr GSI Intervention’s Outcomes on Women Artisans featured at Associated Press and Washington Post April 8, 2021By risial READ MORE
08Apr Business Case on MAPS Cultivation featured on National Albanian Television April 8, 2021By risial READ MORE
08Apr Alberghi Difusi: An original model for Albania-Interview featured on Trailblazing Magazine April 8, 2021By risial READ MORE