Private sector and educational providers strengthen dialogue for market relevant skills

In the beginning of July, the II meeting of the ICT Sectoral Committee took place. The members of the Committee discussed and provided feedback on the results of analysis of market needs in ICT, the first Sectorial Skills needs analysis that was conducted with the support of RisiAlbania project. The analysis provides a full picture of developments in ICT sector and also the skills that are needed in this sector.


New Business Association to support E-commerce businesses

The Albanian E-commerce Association (AECA) was established to perform several functions: increase the capacities of Albanian companies for online sales, promotion of e-commerce in domestic market, representation of interests and lobbying for businesses operating in the field of e-commerce in Albania. AECA is managed by young entrepreneurs and has become popular among e-commerce businesses with more than 40 members. The Association started promoting its services to members starting from the launching evet. RisiAlbania is supporting the new Albanian E-Commerce Association with a business model to increase the sustainability.


Continuous Capacity Building of Career Counsellors

Career guidance services at university level are crucial to facilitate the transition of students from studies to the labour market and career counsellors are the cornerstone of these services. For this purpose, RisiAlbania has a focus on capacity building of career counsellors, hand in hand with the development of the content and tools. Following work to establish career services at university level, in this phase the project RisiAlbania has entered cooperation with two important universities in Albania in regard to their outreach and their relation to the labour market, which have undertaken concrete steps towards development of career services: University of Tirana and Polytechnic University of Tirana to…


Study Visit at Career Guidance Office of the Cantons of Ticino and Bern

Laying the foundation for a long-term cooperation between the Career Guidance Office of Municipality of Tirana and the Career Guidance Office of the Canton of Ticino in Switzerland! During June, representatives of the Career Guidance Office of Municipality of Tirana and RisiAlbania’s staff visited and exchanged with the Career Guidance Office of the Canton of Ticino and also with the Career Guidance Office of the Canton of Bern. In their second visit to Ticino, the staff of career centers had the opportunity to assist one-to-one career consultations, learn more about the orientation of pre-university students but also orientation and re-orientation of adults. In addition, the Albanian delegation had…