In view of of sustainable tourism development and youth employment in rural areas, RisiAlbania is supporting the implementation of the Italian model Alberghi Diffusi in Albanian villages. Alberghi Diffusi model aims to transform abandoned villages in authentic touristic centers, where the tourist has the possibility to experience the culture, history, nature, and local lifestyles. The initiative repurposes abandoned or vacant buildings in villages as tourist accommodation in order revitalize the villages, stimulate economic activity, and halt the depopulation of rural areas. The concept has been adopted and implemented successfully in Italy for 20 years, and in the last years is being explored in other countries like Germany, Switzerland, Spain, and Croatia.

The rural tourism development of Alberghi Difussi (AD) is a good response also to the COVID-19 situation for adapting to the new post-crisis tourism market, as the travelers will prefer slow tours, in smaller groups focusing more on visiting rural areas far from crowded attraction and cities.

Earlier in 2020, RisiAlbania invited Alberghi Difussi Italy to explore the idea of expanding their model in Albania, and to conduct thorough assessment of some Albanian villages. The team composed by AD experts, RisiAlbania and local communities’ representatives, have agreed the area of the historical hamlet inside the Medieval Castle of Kruja. This area has been assessed to have the potential to start piloting the first Alberghi Difussi area in Albania!

After organizing different awareness-raising events such as meetings and workshops, in early 2021, a group of seven local house owners have agreed to collaborate and to join the model, choosing one of the owners to be their representative in registering and managing the new Albergo Diffuso-Kruja. The registration and the implementation process will be finalized during 2021, aiming to start operating  and to open doors for the first groups of tourists later this year.