Youth Talks 2.0: Back to the Future - A Celebration of ICT Passion and Insight

We're still buzzing with excitement from the exhilarating Youth Talks 2: Back to the Future event that unfolded on December 7, 2023

Unveiling Passion and Insights: Youth Talks 2: Back to the Future was more than just an event; it was an informal gathering that united young minds with a shared passion for Information and Communication Technology (ICT). From the dynamic perspectives of Elda Dedja, Kein Katroshi, Adrian Hyseni, Ermanda Musollari, Florian Hiso, and Gerind Tershana, participants had the opportunity to delve into their career decisions—a fusion of passion and well-informed choices.

Exploring ICT Horizons: The event provided a platform for young professionals to share their journeys in various ICT fields, including web development, data science, cybersecurity, and most interestingly the usage of ICT in the realm of art. It was a collective exploration, connecting like-minded youth who not only share a vision but also a successful career start as young professionals.

For those who couldn't make it or want to relive the inspiring moments check out this YouTube playlist with main take aways. Together, let's keep the conversation alive and pave the way for a future where passion and knowledge converge into informed career decisions.