The first Skills Sectoral Committee Meeting in ICT hosted on April 2022

The first meeting of the Skills Sectoral Committee in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) was suported by RisiAlbania in cooperation with the National Agency for Vocational Education, Training and Qualifications (NAVETQ) with the participation of elected members of the Skills Sectoral Committee in ICT, representatives from the Ministry of Finance and Economy, the Ministry of Education and Sports, the National Agency Employment and Skills (NAES), as well as independent experts.

In her welcoming speech, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Finance and Economy, Mrs. Olta Manjani, emphasized the work that is being done on the new strategy where one of the main pillars is the involvement of business in the design of qualification standards as well as the how the curricula revisions shall be as close as possible to the needs of the labour market.

In her opening speech, General Director of AKAFPK, Mrs. Ejvis Gishti Shehi, stated that there is a good will of cooperation between institutions and business to promote fair competitiveness of individuals in the labour market.

The meeting aimed at coordinating actors at the national level to contribute effectively to the identification of new professional qualifications, as well as updating existing ones in ICT. During the meeting, the objectives and legal framework of the Albanian Framework of Qualifications and that of the Sectoral Committees were presented.

The election of the chairman and vice-chairman of this first skills sectorial committee session marked the end of this meeting.