Supporting National Employment Service to improve collaboration with business community

RisiAlbania is supporting the National Employment Service (NES) to develop a platform of collaboration with businesses and a methodology for regional labour market analysis.

Through this intervention Risi aims at supporting NES and its labour offices to come with a consolidated, all-in-one platform equipped with tools and instruments to further improve the collaboration with businesses (employers). This will help NES to better understand and respond to the business community needs and will increase the number of relevant, available vacancies for jobseekers.

An important part of this intervention is the creation of the methodology for regional labour market analysis. This is a very empowering tool that followed with respective training, will equip all labour offices with the means to better understand the markets they operate in, to reveal skills’ gaps and take respective measures.

NES provides an important link between jobseekers and employers, both private and public. Nourishing of its relations with employers, especially the private ones, is of paramount importance for an efficient and effective job intermediation process. The expressed need from NES for a methodology of collaboration with business gives insight into the increased attention that NES is dedicating to the needs of the employers, focused on labour demand.

National Employment Service is a strategic partner of RisiAlbania. During first phase of the project (2013-October 2017) RisiAlbania has supported NES to improve the performance of the service of the Labour Offices with a special focus on improving the intermediation process. During the current phase (November 2017-October 2021), among fields of support, there is a strong emphasis on enhancing cooperation of NES with business.