Public private partnership increases awareness on agribusiness quality standards for accessing high value markets

The National Technical Working Group (NTWG) is a public private non-formal partnership that promotes the quality standards for fruits, vegetables, medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) in Albania. Quality standards are crucial for the expansion of the Albanian exports in high value markets, for improving the value chain management, and ensuring a food safety system also in domestic market. The NTWG works in close cooperation with and is recognized by the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat and its Technical Committees. Through local expertise, the NTWG managed to develop and approve the first GRASP module, which is standard part of Global G.A.P dedicated to working conditions and social aspects. The NTWG increased awareness of GlobalG.A.P and GRASP in different events with exporters, farmers and other stakeholders in key agribusiness centers of, Lushnja, Fieri and Berati. More meetings will be organized in other cities targeting all the main exporters.