Promoting Business Development Services for rural entrepreneurs

In collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, RISI organised an information session for business service providers regarding the newly launched call for proposals on “Business Development Services for rural entrepreneurs”.

The objective of this call is to “incentivise business service providers to reach clients in rural areas in a commercially sustainable way, enabling rural entrepreneurs to make investments, grow their businesses and therefore create jobs”, explained Stephan Joss, RisiAlbania project director, during his opening remarks. IPARD is a good opportunity for business service providers to establish links and test commercial models with rural entrepreneurs.

Indeed, Grigor Gjeci, Director of IPARD at the Ministry, stressed during the meeting that the preparation of the application file and the business plan is a weak point which often has penalised rural businesses during their application process for IPARD funds and other national schemas.

“We are aiming at setting the basis for a long-lasting service relationship between business service providers and rural businesses with growth potential that currently do not have access to or do not perceive the benefits of engaging business development services both to access funds such as IPARD, and to grow their businesses with solid advice. Our call incentivises business service providers to see rural businesses as clients, generating benefits for both actors,” said Edlira Muedini, project manager at RisiAlbania project.

Participants included representatives from financial institutions, large advisory firms, small consulting businesses and independent experts. They asked questions about the call and the support provided by RisiAlbania. Roland Cela from the GIZ was also there: he presented complementary initiatives that the GIZ has undertaken to support rural fund absorption rates.

With Risi support, business service providers interested will be able to design and roll out innovative models and products targeting rural businesses in what will be a win-win for all.