Promotion of cultivation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Enhancing Investment and Youth Employment
Promotion of cultivation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, investment promotion and an enabling environment, are necessary elements for the development of the sector. Currently, the Municipality of Kolonja a RisiAlbania partner, has taken the initiative to promote Kolonja as a destination for investments in the Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAP) sector. Investments in this sector generate better incomes and more opportunities for young women and men towards employment and self-employment. In the implementation phase to promote and attract investments, the Municipality of Kolonja is being supported by the Organization People and Ideas.
A team at the Municipality of Kolonja together with the representatives from farmers in the area, with the support of the Municipal Council have met with the main exporters of MAPs in Albania, which are interested to invest in the area and to cooperate with farmers on contract-basis.
On September 4, the team Mediterranean Export - Imports Albania (MEIA) in Malësia e Madhe, a company which produces essential oils and has contracts with about 500 farmers for the cultivation of MAPs. MEIA Company is a leading enterprise in the region for the export of essential oils to the United States and beyond. During the meeting, representatives from Kolonja got acquainted with the opportunity that farmers have to make contracts for the cultivation of MAPs. On the other hand, MEIA was was introduced to the potential that Kolonja has for organic cultivation of MAPs thanks to its land use, climatic and geographical conditions, the lack of industry that can pollute the environment and the lack of intensive agriculture.
Following the first meeting, the representatives from Kolonja held the next meeting at Biobes, a Lushnja-based company. Biobes is an export company which is increasing the exports to high value markets such as Switzerland, Austria, France, Germany, etc. Biobes aims to invest as close as possible to farmers and intensify contract-based cooperation for the cultivation of MAPs.
Mr. Koçi, administrator of Biobes states that 'This initiative of the Municipality of Kolonja to promote incentives for the cultivation of BMA, the partnership offered by the Municipality of Kolonja as a new model in Albania encourages us to be closer to farmers by investing in promoting contract-based cultivation”.
The visit continued to the Municipality of Tepelena by sharing experiences from each municipality for the MAPs sector. The Municipality of Tepelena was informed about the steps that the Municipality of Kolonja is taking to promote cultivation. During the visits, the cluster of MAPs in Tepelena was presented. This cluster is an innovative communication platform between the local MAPs actor of and the Municipality of Tepelena. This platform offers to Municipality of Tepelena the possibility to take informed decision on enhancing the sector.
Soon the Municipality of Kolonja plans to introduce MAPs investment packages to exporters and potential investors.