Promoting economic development and job creation among youth in Albania

Deputy Prime Minister Senida Mesi and Head of Cooperation with Eastern Europe at the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Ruth Huber, signed on Friday 23, 2018 in a special ceremony the agreement on Phase II of “Risi Albania” project.

“Risi albani will renew its focus on making labour market lucrative for the young woman and man through 3 different strategies; first by enabling private companies and businesses to grow and create jobs for youth, second by increasing job information and job mediation for young people, meaning linking youth to the job market and third by improving knowledge and market oriented skills in order that youth have the right skills to be employed”, -said during her remarks Ambassador Huber.

Deputy Prime Minister Mesi stressed that RisiAlbania project has in its focus youth employment in sectors like innovation, agriculture, rural development and tourism and it responds well to the Albanian government’s priority - employment. “As a result we believe that this project will help the Albanian government reach its objective”, she said.

Whereas in her speech, Ambassador Ruth Huber said that the success of this project depends on the joint efforts of the Swiss and Albanian governments and the technical expertise of the implementing partners.

Risi succeeded during the last four years to create through affiliated businesses 950 new fulltime jobs in the sectors of Tourism, Agribusiness and ICT. It enabled job- intermediation services placing 5’400 young people and supported private training providers increasing knowledge and skills of 9’700 young people, thereof 50% women - all indicators which have shown to Swiss Development Cooperation dynamics and results issuing out of a systemic approach and therefore decided to enter a second phase with the consortium of the project- implementers, Helvetas and Partner Albania.