Introducing alternative technologies for drying the Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

RisiAlbania in cooperation with Albanian Food Industry (AFI) organized in the beginning of December B2B event dedicated to MAPs Industry. At the event were present representatives of associations of MAP sector in Albania, regional agro-collectors, exporters and providers of drying technology and packaging.

MAPs industry has the potential to improve more the performance in terms of volumes and value exported. The investments in post harvesting through drying facilities and packaging can play an important role in increasing the incomes for all the actors in the industry and employment of rural population.

The main constraints identified from AFI’s research and other studies are related to harvesting and post-harvest practices, lack of drying racks and package which lead quality loss and safety problems for exporters.

In this event the MAPs actors had the possibility to get direct information from companies from Albania, Kosovo and Serbia regarding  new and innovative solutions that will increase the quality of MAPs, will result in higher export prices by tackling current post-harvesting practices that affect the quality of the MAPs. The representative of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Management Authority for IPARD Program Mr. Grigor Gjeci presented to the MAPs industry opportunities for Grants from IPARD.

“The potential of this sector is higher if we invest in new technologies and improve the product quality” – said Alban Zusi AFI’s director. Participants at the meetings were interested on methodologies applied in the region for MAPs drying process. Nowadays 95% of the MAP production is exported, which represent 20% of the Albanian exports