Piloting career education at pre-university level

Municipality of Tirana and Ministry of Education and Sports signed on 05.05.2022 a memorandum of understanding which enabled an active role of the Career Offices, Tirana in career education in pre-university education. Considering the main role that the career center of the Municipality of Tirana has in the development of career services in Albania, it will serve as a resource center for the provision of career education in schools, starting from the primary level. RisiAlbania has supported the methodology and development of  materials at three levels, more concretely III-V, VI-IX primary school grades, and high schools, and is currently supporting the piloting of this process in seven schools in Tirana. As a result, 120 teachers have been trained to work with students in providing support materials for students, which will be developed during the first months of 2023. This process is expected to inform the actions to be taken at pre-university level for integration of career education, a much-needed service as well as the coordination with actors of others in this field.