Preparing a value proposition for a specific industry in Albania

In today’s global economy, every country competes to attract foreign investors to make its economic sectors more competitive and innovative in order to create jobs for its people.  But how can a country attract investors over thousands alternatives out there? The answer is simple:  start with your value proposition!

Building capacities of AIDA and Business Associations in Albania to develop a value proposition was the main goal of the workshop “How to prepare a value proposition for a specific industry”, organized by AITA - Albanian ICT Association and supported by RisiAlbania project.

Participants learned the steps of creating a value proposition through concrete examples and case studies. The example of Information and Communication Technology industry in Albania brought up the uniqueness of the sector and its values in comparison with other countries in the region.

The workshop was very interesting, useful and a good opportunity for companies, business associations and government’s institutions involved in promoting and attracting foreign direct investments to Albania to work together and join forces to prepare unique value propositions in various sectors.