Introduce new courses in ICT and improve the training offer

Albanian ICT Academy, a training provider with high potential in ICT, in cooperation with RisiAlbania is introducing new in demand courses, aiming to train and employ more students in close collaboration with employers.

Albanian ICT Academy could also become an inspiration for other training providers for expanding the focus and improving the training offer, tailored to the needs of the marginalized groups.

It is the first center in Albania to offer advanced training in the field of ICT for children, designed to serve school age students with opportunities to explore and develop their talents in software development and robotics, as well as for professionals according to the model "Ready to Work".

In the category of professionals all trainees have made an internship in ICT sector companies. Albanian ICT Academy in cooperation with RisiAlbania is looking forward to strengthen the mediation for employment.

As a professional training center in the field of ICT, Albanian ICT Academy shall offer courses and professional training in the field of Information Technology, Innovation and Management, Albanian Makerspace, Startup Consultancy, Incubator, Accelerator, Hackathons.