Implementation of the Business Cooperation Methodology in the Regional Directorates and Local Offices of the National Employment and Skills Agency

The National Agency of Employment and Skills (NAES) remains committed to further develop business cooperation relations. With the support of RisiAlbania, AKPA has developed the Business Cooperation Methodology that helps employment offices enter into long-term partnerships with business and be closer to the needs of the labor market, thus responding to business needs for labour force.

In this context, during 2020, the piloting of this methodology was conducted in 3 regional directorates. Currently the implementation of this methodical manual as well as staff trainings, are taking placec in 7 regional directorates and 12 other local labour offices. This process, carried out closely with the labour offices and the National Agency and supported by RisiAlbania, aims to equip the staff of these offices with adequate experience and skills to apply the methodology independently, to successfully address all vacancies. In practical terms, the staff implements the steps of the methodological manual in the field by building bridges of cooperation with existing and new clients (businesses) helping them meet their workforce needs and supporting them with employment programs.

As part of the business cooperation methodology, the staff of the employment offices is trained to carry out the analysis of the regional labour market. This process enables them to gain an in-depth understanding of the market in which they operate, to better understand the needs for skills and to guide the workforce development.

The experience so far with the offices that have applied the methodology shows that the steps followed as per the methodological manual allow the staff of the offices to provide a unified service, which responds timely and with quality to the needs of the business. At the same time it enables them to be more proactive by increasing cooperation with business even under the challenges posed by the labour market during the pandemic.

The National Agency of Employment and Skills will continue to work on the implementation of this methodology in all regional directorates and local offices to further institutionalize this instrument of cooperation.