The Faculty of Social Sciences partners with Université de Lausanne to support the master program on Career Orientation
The upcoming academic year 2019-2020 will find Faculty of Social Sciences with an improved master program on “Career Orientation”. The Swiss - funded project RisiAlbania enabled a fruitful collaboration of the Faculty of Social Sciences with University of Lausanne in Switzerland, which paves the way for a long term collaboration with an institution that has an exceptional tradition in preparing Career Advisors.
A 2-day exchange visit took place in November at the premises of the University of Lausanne where representatives from the Faculty of Social Science academic staff and RisiAlbania project shared ideas which lead to the establishment of a solid foundation for a long term exchange and cooperation between the two homologue universities.
“It was a fruitful visit. We had the opportunity to see and learn how their master programme is developed and how the career office and training center worked from an exceptional institution like the University of Lausanne” – said the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences in Tirana, Prof. Dr. Edmond Rapti, right after our return from Lausanne.