Facilitating e-commerce industry expansion in Albania

The e-commerce industry is growing faster in Albania taking advantage of the country high penetration of Internet and the usage of IT devices during purchases. But there are still problems, such as informality, delivery infrastructure, or taxation and what is more important, Albania is still a cash-based economy.

For the first time RisiAlbania initiated a joint round table including high officials from the Ministry of Finance and Economy, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, private companies, postal service companies, and experts of the field to identify and address the difficulties the e-commerce industry is facing in the country.

“Albania has a good framework legislation in place, but we can still improve its implementation for the mutual benefit of the consumers and companies” – said Ms. Majlinda Hafizi Director of Economic Development Policies in the Ministry of Finance and Economy.

E-commerce company representatives present at the meeting raised problems related to informality, taxation, delivery costs, infrastructure, and other obstacles to expansion for the e-commerce market in Albania.

“This is our momentum to develop at the same time e-commerce and m-commerce (mobile commerce) and move with same pace of global trends” – said Linda Shomo from Easy Pay company.

The officials from the two Ministries, will address the concerns raised by representatives of the e-commerce industry with respective authorities. E-commerce industry represents today an opportunity for growth and investments therefore new employment opportunities, which need to be addressed accordingly.