E-solutions and new employment opportunities for marginalized groups

Creating employment opportunities for marginalized young women and men through the implementation of e-solutions and new business model in metal waste collection and recycling is the scope of the most recent partnership established with Çekrezi Metal LTD.

The goal of the initiative is to support the development of e-solutions in the metal collection and recycling sector. Currently, in Albania the metal collection and recycling sector accommodates most employees that come from peri urban areas, and/or are women and men from marginalized communities, such as Roma and Egyptian community.

On the other hand, only 17% of the waste produced is recycled, leaving 83% not treated by these companies. There is a gap in the market that the industry is currently not addressing, with regard metal waste produced in household level. Also, this waste is not treated according to rules and regulations and it is usually mixed with other household waste.

In this light, this partnership aims to support the improvement of work conditions and employment opportunities for marginalized groups, which are the main labour force of this sector and as well increase the financial benefits for marginalized groups, while also promoting the model of e-solutions in metal waste collection.